Ex-Mo is a microwave motion sensor which uses the Doppler principal. The product has been designed and certified to operate within Harsh and Hazardous Area environments. Ex-Mo has ATEX and IECEX, IP66, Zone 1 and Zone 21 certification for Gas and Dust areas. Ex-Mo helps save on unnecessary power consumption from lighting and other switching devices which helps reduce power consumption and thus your carbon footprint.

The Ex-Mo unit has a coverage pattern of approximately 72° horizontally and approximately 36° vertically. This represents the angular coverage where 70% of the unit sensitivity is maintained. In practice the Ex-Mo unit will detect 90° so that a single unit placed in the corner of a rectangle room will give complete coverage along the walls

Yes, an Ex-Mo Infra-Red Controller is required for initial set-up and any subsequent fine tuning of the Ex-Mo device.

No, any Ex-Mo Infra-Red Controller will operate any Ex-Mo device.

Approximately 20 Metres. The beam detected is focused from the front face and is reasonably directional.

Stainless Steel - 2.5KG, Aluminium - 1.5KG

The Ex-Mo is Rated at IP66

3 x M20 (1 x M20 left, right & bottom). Thread converters, adaptors, reducers & stopping plugs are also available if required.

As manufacturers of the Ex-Mo Hazardous Area Motion Sensor we recognise that nearly all applications for this device are different. We can
only test the sensor in a limited number of applications and environments. We have therefore devised a “Try Before You Buy” scheme allowing the Ex-Mo to be trialled in a real-world situation to ensure it performs as required and fully meets our Customers’ expectations.